Biden Unleashes Executive Order After Failing for Years

( – President Joe Biden appears poised to sign new executive orders similar to those he shredded shortly after assuming office.

When he took office, Biden ripped his predecessor, Donald Trump, for signing several executive orders to fight the influx of illegal immigrants across the southern border. He then reversed most of those orders as one of his top priorities in 2021.

However, he has since faced significant backlash over his border policies, with much of it stemming from his own party. Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams accused the Biden administration of failing his city through its immigration policies. The Border Patrol has also said that its agents have been overwhelmed by the influx of illegal immigrants under the Biden administration.

Now, Biden is taking action to set a cap at 4000 encounters between illegal immigrants and Border Patrol agents per week before the border is shut down. Those who attempt to enter the US after could be removed automatically.

The new rules are similar to a bill that both parties attempted to pass earlier this year. Those provisions drew criticisms from many Republicans for being too lax on border security.

Illegal immigration has become a central issue in the 2024 campaign season. It is expected to give Republicans a significant advantage as a growing number of voters blame the Biden administration for encouraging illegal entry.

The announcement comes as his administration remains in an intense fight with the states of Texas and Oklahoma. Both states have defied federal orders in taking drastic steps to protect their citizens from the fallout of illegal immigration. The DOJ accuses the states of violating Constitutional law, while the states accuse the federal government of failing to uphold its Constitutional obligation to protect the American people.

The United States government is currently struggling to proceed with a staggering 20 million immigration cases as the influx continues. Still, federal officials are trying to help illegal immigrants take advantage of asylum and other fast-tracks to legal migration.

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