Meet the Nation Rise Team

Nation Rise takes great pride in the talented team of individuals who contribute to our pages day in and day out. Our team is made up of professionals from all walks of life, including farmers, teachers, business people, doctors, lawyers, first responders, veterans, and so many others. This unique blend of expertise gives us a unique advantage, allowing us to view the news from different perspectives.

The Nation Rise Mission

The mission here at Nation Rise is clear. We are determined to challenge the narrative set forth by mainstream media by digging deepers. We work hard to peel back political bias and refuse to be swayed by advertisers, lobbyists, or anyone willing to twist the truth to fit their agenda.

Our Incredible Team

As noted, our team is made up of Americans from all walks of life. We work collaboratively to curate, write, edit, and design news that aligns with our mission. We value your time and are horrified by the idea of giving you anything less than the best.

Each of our pieces goes through a multi-person iterative process:

  • Our news analysts and writers scour the news and work together to choose topics we know are important to you. We don’t just write to write. We write to serve a purpose — keeping you informed.
  • Our writers and editors work together to polish each piece before publication. We fact-check, dig deeper, edit, and do everything necessary to ensure the piece you end up with is top-notch.
  • Our editors and designers work together to make sure the piece published to our website is properly formatted, easy to read, and free of errors.

Every single person who touches a news piece is encourage to speak up if they think something looks wrong or like it needs revision. Our goal is to make sure every member of our team upholds the highest journalist standards while working together to achieve excellence.

Don’t Forget to Subscribe

We work hard to make sure you are informed. Subscribing to our newsletter will ensure you receive the news that matters in your inbox on a daily basis. No more digging, no more searching. Simply open and click. We’ll take care of the rest.

DBA Nation Rise

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Mailing Address:
2207 Concord Pike #562
Wilmington DE 19803
