Contact Nation Rise

We’re thrilled you’ve spent some time with us here at Nation Rise today. Every single member of our team is dedicated to producing the highest quality news, distributing information you’ll find entertaining, informative, and valuable. We believe in the importance of unbiased news and truth in reporting and refuse to stray from these standards. We sincerely hope you find the news we publish to be helpful, meaningful, and an asset to our day-to-day lives.

Who We Are

The Nation Rise writers and editors are located throughout the entire country. We understand the unique cultures, needs, experiences, and challenges faced by the average American citizen. That’s why we spend so much time in the trenches, digging for the hidden gems and the news you really need to see in order to make informed decision. Are our lawmakers about to push through legislation that threatens your rights? Is your family in peril? Are international conflicts going to have an impact on our way of life hear at home? You’ll find all of this and more in our Daylight Dailies, Together We Soar pieces, and even in our Budgets & Resources section.

About the Team

Nation Rise’s talented team of journalists, writers, and editors come from all walks of life. We’ve worked with seasoned reporters as well as farmers, truckers, teachers, business owners, activists and so many others. Each has a unique perspective to share and has their finger on the pulse of what’s happening on a national, state, and local level. The individually and collaboratively come together to bring you details you may not hear on the 5 o’clock news.

Editorial Policy

Individual experience never trumps journalistic integrity. Every member of our team knows that there is no tolerance for bias or personal opinion. As a matter of fact, some of our writers have even recused themselves from covering stories where they felt too personally involved to provide clear coverage. We push each other to be better and do better with every single story. You’ll find collaboratively fact-checked, edited, and clearly presented stories here. Nothing less.

Citizens United for a Brighter Future

They say it takes a village to raise a child. We think it take a village to expose the truth. We encourage our readers to participate in the process by sending us their stories and experiences. We can’t promise to include everything we receive in our reports, but we do vow to take your stories seriously, consider the facts, and use them as fuel to dig deeper. Simply have a hot tip for a story you haven’t seen covered elsewhere? Send those along as well!

Contacting Nation Rise

We have an open-door policy when it comes to feedback from our readers. Please do not hesitate to reach out at any time with factual corrections, questions, or concerns. We’d also love to hear your thoughts on what you’ve read. Our editors read every single email and will take prompt, appropriate action.

DBA Nation Rise

By Email:

Mailing Address:
2207 Concord Pike #562
Wilmington DE 19803
