Wrestling Legend Becomes Real Life Hero

Wrestling Legend Becomes Real Life Hero

(NationRise.com) – Wrestling’s living legend, “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan, rushed to the scene of a car accident in Florida on January 14 to help the victim climb out of the overturned vehicle. According to a TMZ report, numerous witnesses said that Hogan was riding his car on the highway of Florida’s Clearwater when a woman swerved her vehicle and had a frightening accident. The media outlet pointed out that she made a somersault, turned over, and eventually crashed right ahead of the famous wrestler.

Right after she crashed, Hogan stopped his vehicle and immediately jumped out of it along with his friend to assist the other car’s driver. The 70-year-old legendary wrestler and Jake, who is a United States Marine, were caught on video helping the women to get out of the destroyed car. TMZ explained that the marine managed to open her side car door while Hogan pulled her out of the vehicle.

On her Instagram account, the wrestler’s wife, Sky Daily, praised him and explained that she was in his vehicle when the accident took place. She pointed out they were dining at Tampa and noted she admires her husband and the family’s friend for acting in such a brave and fast manner to save the woman. Daily added that the victim suffered no major injuries, which she described as a “miracle.”

Through an email published by media outlet USA Today, Hogan’s representative Linda Bose said she wasn’t surprised by what he did as he’s a person with a “big heart.” She added that Hogan also treats everyone with the “highest respect” and always tries to help those who need it.

Over the last few weeks, Hogan has been on the news after announcing he was formally baptized and decided to dedicate the rest of his life to Christianity and Jesus Christ.

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