US Deploys Nuclear Submarine as Middle East Tensions Boil

US Deploys Nuclear Submarine as Middle East Tensions Boil

( – The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) announced on November 5 that it deployed a US Ohio-Class nuclear submarine to the Middle East amid Israel’s war against the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. CENTCOM didn’t provide any detail about the vessel’s name or where it will be located.

According to different reports, CENTCOM deployed the submarine as a response to the Iranian regime’s threat to get involved in the war through its militia arm, Hezbollah, which controls Lebanon. As reported by The Wall Street Journal, Tehran not only has supported Hamas for years but also helped the terrorist group to prepare the October 7 attacks against the Jewish state through Hezbollah.

In a video, its leader Hassan Nasrallah said that the terrorist group will executive “important and significant” operations against the Jewish state after its “genocide” of “innocent Muslims” in Gaza. However, he denied any involvement from Hezbollah in the October 7 attack, as he explained these operations were “100 percent Palestinian” in terms of execution and decision.

The US Ohio-Class nuclear submarine deployed to the Middle East consists of four Tomahawk cruise missiles in replacement of the original nuclear missile loadout. The vessel is also equipped with 14 ballistic missile submarines that can execute defensive and offensive operations.

According to a Newsweek report, another reason why the Pentagon decided to deploy the submarine was the attacks perpetrated by Iranian-backed militia groups against American personnel in the Middle East after October 7. The media outlet pointed out that the submarine would also protect Israel in case other nations decide to attack the Jewish state again.

Yemen’s Houthi movement, which is backed by Tehran, has claimed numerous missile and drone strikes towards Israel after the Hamas attacks. One of its spokespersons even promised to execute more strikes to “help the Palestinians” reach victory.

Back in October, a barrage of Houthi drones and missiles were intercepted in the Red Sea by the USS Carney. The Pentagon revealed that each of these drones and missiles were heading towards Israel.

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