Terrorist Sympathizers Rise to Support Hamas

Terrorist Sympathizers Rise to Support Hamas

(NationRise.com) – Supporters of Islamic terrorism across the world are uniting to support Hamas and its unprecedented attack against Israel. In response, Jewish synagogues are now receiving extra security in the US and Europe after sympathizers took to the streets with signs calling for the death of Israel. Several videos of the protests have sparked outrage on social media.

Demonstrations supporting Hamas were held in both New York City and Washington DC, among other US cities. Similar rallies have unfolded across the Middle East, Australia, Europe, and Canada.

In Washington DC, demonstrators were seen handing out free protest signs while playing Arabic music in front of the White House.

In Colorado, Tim Hernández, a Democrat state representative in its 4th district, was spotted chanting with a pro-Hamas group in a video posted to X, formerly known as Twitter. The footage also includes scenes of innocent Israelis being kidnapped and taken hostage. Over 100 hostages have been reportedly taken so far, including American citizens.

MSNBC reporter Andrea Mitchell claimed there was “symmetry” between Israel and Hamas while interviewing an Israeli mother whose children were kidnapped. The mother was quick to correct her before the conversation became heated.

A Hamas source also confirmed to the BBC that Iran supports the terrorist group and has allegedly provided funding for the attack. That shocking revelation comes just weeks after the Biden administration released $6 billion of oil money to Iran in exchange for the release of US hostages.

The Chicago chapter of the social movement Black Lives Matter (BLM) has sparked outrage after claiming it “stands with Palestine” and posted an image of a paratrooper. The image presumably references the Hamas paragliders who joined ground troops in slaughtering music festival attendees celebrating a Jewish holiday during the initial attack.

The US government has announced that it will fully support Israel and has sent a carrier strike force to the Mediterranean Sea.

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