State Congressman Victimized By Pro-Palestine Protesters

State Congressman Victimized By Pro-Palestine Protesters

( – On November 27, California Republican Representative David Valadao announced he had been the victim of antisemitic attacks perpetrated by pro-Palestine demonstrators after his office in Hanford was vandalized. According to different reports, many other similar cases have been taking place in the United States since the October 7 attacks perpetrated by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas against Israel.

One of the most famous took place in a Los Angeles northwest suburb named Thousand Oaks, where a Jewish senior citizen named Paul Kessler was killed. He was attending a pro-Palestine demonstration to show support for the Jewish state, when a physical confrontation took place, and he was pushed to the ground, causing a severe injury on his skull that eventually led to his death.

On his Twitter account, Valadao explained that while he fully supports people’s right to peaceful protest, he cannot accept vandalism or violence. The congressman also published a picture of his Hanford office’s exterior, which can be seen vandalized with fake blood and numerous posters that read “Murdered by Israel.” In the tweet, Valadao added that intimidation and harassment are not the ways of making anyone’s voice heard in a democratic system, as these are violent methods that ruin any message.

In another tweet, the conservative leader criticized the protesters and their claims, as he said they don’t care about children dying in Palestine because they don’t support the “eradication of Hamas. He also claimed that these terrorists are the ones who are putting innocent Palestinians at risk by using schools and hospitals as a cover for their military operations.

As reported by Fox News, the congressman’s office told the conservative network that vandalism took place a couple of minutes before the staff arrived in morning hours. In a statement, the office pointed out it has already filed the “proper reports” with Capitol police and local law enforcement to persecute those who committed the criminal act. The office also noted that it hopes to see “those responsible” held accountable to the “fullest extent of the law.”

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