Squad Members Vote Against Keeping Terrorists Out of America

(NationRise.com) – Two House lawmakers voted on January 31 against a measure seeking to prohibit terrorists from the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, involved in the October 7 attacks against Israel, from ever entering the United States. These were Missouri Democratic Representative Cori Bush and Michigan Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib. Both congresswomen are part of the progressive and radical left-wing faction of the Democratic Party, popularly known as “The Squad.”

The No Immigration Benefits for Hamas Terrorists Act, which California Republican Representative Tom McClintock introduced, would deem every person who was part of the terrorist groups that attacked Israel from seeking asylum. The groups included the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hamas.

The legislation passed Congress with a final result of 422-2, with Illinois Democratic Representative Delia Ramirez voting present and six other members not voting. Tlaib, who has been accused of antisemitism and is a critic of the Israeli government’s war against Hamas, argued that the legislation was “redundant” and would be used by GOP politicians to “incite hate.” In a statement, Tlaib claimed that the bill was a Republican messaging legislation that would be used to incite anti-Muslim, anti-Palestinian, and anti-Arab hatred that would make many communities in the country “unsafe.”

On her Twitter account, Bush echoed Tlaib’s opposition to McClintock’s legislation by claiming it was an “empty messaging bill” that members of the GOP were using to “incite anti-Palestinian hate” and to “target immigrants.” She added that the Republican Party has no “credibility on these issues.”

Tlaib and Bush’s opposition to the bill came after the House voted to censure the Michigan representative, as she was formally accused of calling “for the destruction” of Israel. The Montana congresswoman is also facing a legal issue that many believe could harm her political career, as she announced she was under federal investigation for allegedly using campaign money in an improper manner for security services.

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