RNC Unveils New Game-Changing Tool

(NationRise.com) – The Republican National Committee announced that it will employ a new “game-changing” tool to better connect its candidates with constituents ahead of the 2024 elections.

The new platform, named “VotePro, was officially launched on May 17th. According to the RNC, it’s designed to help candidates create websites and build voter resources that can be implemented easily. Those resources include tools to help with voter registration and finding voting locations. Michael Whatley, the current chairman of the RNC, said he believes it will lead to voter turnout that has never been seen before.

According to its website, the platform is offered free of charge to all Republican candidates, PACs, and local groups. It promises to help candidates better connect with their constituents after they’ve been elected. Some of its features include marketing tools, a content creation assistant, website hosting, and social media prompts. Additionally, it boasts state-of-the-art security. The websites will automatically be optimized for mobile devices, a crucial step in helping them show up in Google’s search results.

Whatley said the RNC is solidifying its support for Donald Trump, the presumptive nominee. While the organization has largely backed Trump publicly, some infighting threatened that endorsement, especially during the early primaries. Whatley added that VotePro will also be used to help the former president’s campaign.

Susie Wiles, who currently works as his senior campaign advisor, said she believes the new tool will play a critical role in his bid for the White House. She also said the party and Trump’s campaign are “partnering like never before.”

The tool could prove especially useful to Trump as he struggles to campaign during his ongoing legal proceedings in New York. His ability to travel is extremely limited due to court schedules, and a gag order placed by the judge has limited his speech. Trump has joined the ACLU in challenging the order as unconstitutional.

The GOP has not yet announced whether any candidates have begun using VotePro.

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