Primary Debate Sparks Firestorm as Candidates Attack Each Other

Primary Debate Sparks Firestorm as Candidates Attack Each Other

( – Republican presidential candidate and conservative entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy sparked controversy on Twitter during the last primary debate after holding up a sign that said “Nikki=Corrupt.” He was referring to former South Carolina governor and GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley.

Ramaswamy pulled up the sign at a moment when he was telling Haley he doesn’t have a “woman problem,” and claiming she had a corruption problem that every American voter needed to know about. He said Haley’s work in the military contracting sector — after her role as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations — shows her corrupt practices.

While pulling up the “Nikk=Corrupt” sign, Ramaswamy also said that Haley is a woman who wouldn’t hesitate to send “your kids” to die in a war if “this allows her” to buy a “bigger house.” When one of the moderators asked her if she wanted to respond to Ramaswamy’s claims, Haley refused and said she wouldn’t waste her time responding to him.

The moment immediately became viral on Twitter, with thousands of users expressing their disbelief at Ramaswamy’s attack. Hot Air associate director Karen Townshend said, “OMG,” while conservative commentator Charlie Kirk noted that the exchange between both candidates was one of the most relevant moments of the debate.

Radio host Larry O’Connor also said he believed that Ramaswamy’s sign would turn into “3,742 different memes” over the next few days and even asked his followers to post their favorite ones. Chef Andrew Gruel posted that Ramaswamy is currently the only Republican presidential candidate who shows up to the debates ready to create a meme or “viral moment.” He added that he believes the conservative entrepreneur pulled up the sign because he needed to change his “numbers” as soon as possible.

After the primary debate, Ramaswamy posted on his Twitter account a list of jobs and income from the former South Carolina governor’s past. He also wrote that “math doesn’t add up.”

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