Omar Forced to Eat Her Words, Yet Refuses to Apologize

Omar Forced to Eat Her Words, Yet Refuses to Apologize

( – Democrat representative Ilham Omar of Minnesota recently stepped back from accusations she levied against the Israeli Defense Force for bombing a Gaza hospital after initial reports were found to be inaccurate.

However, Omar never apologized for the stark rebuke, choosing instead to blame an error made by the Associated Press for her response. Her office initially asked the Biden administration to use the “war crime” to justify recommending a ceasefire.

The cause of the bombing was later revealed to be malfunctioning armaments used by Palestinian fighters. The militants did not claim responsibility.

Instead, several media outlets initially echoed Hamas propaganda reports that Israeli forces caused the explosion. The now-debunked reports claimed that an airstrike took the lives of approximately 500 individuals.

Fellow “Squad” member Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) also blamed Israeli forces for the attack. She also strongly rebuked the Biden administration via X (Twitter) and told the president that she would “remember where you stood.” She refused to respond after reporters questioned her about the error during a Capitol Hill press conference shortly after.

The far-left Squad has already faced backlash after demanding that Israel agree to a ceasefire. Critics quickly pointed out the 1,300 civilians killed during the surprise Hamas attack against concert attendees.

Palestinian misfires are fairly common in the Gaza Strip. They have already killed hundreds of civilians in the weeks since the war began. Approximately 20% of the rockets launched by Hamas fell back in Gaza. Research analyst Joe Truzman blamed the high number of misfires on makeshift equipment and poor training.

According to Hamas, nearly 4400 Palestinians have been killed since the conflict began. Over 3,500 others have been injured. These numbers have not been verified, nor have authorities confirmed how many of those deaths resulted from misfires.

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