Multiple Lawmakers Call it Quits in House and Senate

Multiple Lawmakers Call it Quits in House and Senate

( – A growing number of senators and congressmen are declining to campaign for the 2024 elections. The trend sets a new record for lawmakers leaving their prestigious positions in Washington, DC.

So far, 29 officials have announced their plans to retire from the House. The sentiment spreads across party lines and several US districts. The majority of the now vacant seats are believed to be safe for the party currently holding them, so it’s unlikely to cause much of a party shift.

Among the few that are currently vulnerable to a party change, Republicans currently appear to have the advantage. That includes four seats across California, Michigan, and Virginia. Republicans will only likely lose a seat representing New York’s third district.

Several lawmakers cited their exhaustion over the pettiness and inefficiency of Congress. Tensions have been high lately in both the House and Senate.

Last month, Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK), a former MMA fighter, challenged Sean O’Brien, current president of the influential Teamsters union, to a fight during a Senate hearing. O’Brien accepted as Mullin stood until committee chairman Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) intervened.

Earlier that month, Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN) accused Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) of elbowing him after Burchett voted to expel McCarthy as House Speaker. Burchett says he then chased McCarthy through the hallways of Capitol Hill.

Some of the exiting lawmakers plan to run for local offices within their districts, while others plan to retire entirely. That means there will be a shakeup at both state and federal levels during an election projected to be highly contentious.

Republicans continue to struggle to recover after a couple of years of lackluster performance. Democrats have continued attacking them on issues related to abortion.

However, the Democrat party is also quietly suffering from infighting over the Israel-Hamas conflict. The Biden administration has pledged full support for Israel, while “The Squad” broadly condemns Israel for retaliating against the surprise Hamas attack. Many young supporters have split from the party.

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