McCarthy Slams Opponents Who Voted Him Out

McCarthy Slams Opponents Who Voted Him Out

( – California GOP Representative Kevin McCarthy recently fired back at the Republicans who voted to oust him from the House Speaker’s chair. During a press conference, which took place a couple of minutes after his official removal, McCarthy said that those Republicans who voted for this can’t “call themselves conservatives.” There were eight GOP representatives who, along with Democrats, voted to dethrone the California Republican.

When asked about Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who was the mastermind behind this move, McCarthy said that everyone knew him and noted that this was a “personal” matter instead of a disagreement “with spending.” He also argued that Gaetz’s actions weren’t “becoming” of a US Congressman, claiming that his refusal to intervene in Gaetz’s House Ethics Committee probe motivated his motion to remove him from speakership.

When a reporter told him that Gaetz had repeatedly denied these claims, McCarthy said he didn’t care what anyone thought, as he had seen numerous “texts” corroborating his claims. When asked about the context of these texts, the California Republican said it was “all about his ethics.”

McCarthy also accused Representative Matt Rosendale (R-MT) of appealing to God for conservative leaders to suffer numerous defeats in the last midterm elections. He explained it is a “tough team” when you have Republican members like him on it.

McCarthy implied that Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC) lied on “The View” when she told the cast he failed to keep his promises as the House Speaker. He told reporters that, after hearing Mace making that claim live on TV, he immediately called her chief of staff, Dan Hanlon, and asked him why she believed he didn’t keep his word. McCarthy said Hanlon told him, “You’ve kept your word 100 percent.”

Further, the former House Speaker said he fears that the fraction of the GOP who decided to dethrone him have severely damaged the Congress.

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