Judge Prevents Prosecutors From Using Key Evidence

(NationRise.com) – Prosecutors charging far-left Senator Bob Menedez (D-NJ) with corruption have been forbidden from showing crucial evidence to the jury.

Sidney Stein, a US district court judge, issued the ruling on May 24th. It prohibits prosecutors from using text messages sent by Menedez in 2019, allegedly proving that he accepted bribes from businessmen and Egyptian officials. The messages apparently show him offering reassurances of delivering on his promises.

Additionally, Stein is prohibiting prosecutors from showing the jury another text message sent in 2022 from his wife, Nadine. That message allegedly informs one of the businessmen that her husband “had to sign off on this.” She also encouraged their clients to “keep the bribes flowing.” It also includes a website link covering the sale of military aid to Egypt. Prosecutors said Egyptian officials were “frantic about not getting their money’s worth.”

That, according to prosecutors, is what ultimately led them to contact Menedez by using two businessmen in New Jersey as proxies. They allegedly gave Menedez gold, cash, and high-end jewelry in exchange for military deals and official promises. Menedez and his wife are also facing additional charges for attempting to hide their bribery gifts. They also allegedly accepted a payment of nearly $24,000 to prevent the foreclosure of their home. He announced in March that he would not seek reelection in November in light of the charges.

Stein claims her decision was based on the “speech or debate” clause in the US Constitution. The clause offers protections for lawmakers from prosecution stemming from official acts of legislation. She said the legislative act is “clearly the hold” ahead of finalizing her decision.

The trial has already been an exhaustive experience for jurors as they hear the testimonies of witnesses and experts. One of those experts was an agent from the FBI who searched their home in 2022. Another was a lawyer who revealed the $24,000 payment used to save the couple from foreclosure. Experts believe it could last as long as July.

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