Haley Claims She Would Pardon Trump if Elected

(NationRise.com) – GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley recently said she will pardon former president Donald Trump if she is elected president.

Haley stated the pardon would be in the “best interest of the country.” She claims the nation would only be able to move past Trump if he’s not sitting in jail. However, at the same time, she also blamed Trump for dividing the nation. The announcement was made during a campaign event in North Conway, NH.

Haley was referring to a litany of charges that the federal government and other state prosecutors have recently levied against Trump. The former president is facing charges related to alleged financial fraud and the riot that took place on January 6, 2021. However, new evidence recently surfaced that points to a potential conspiracy from the Biden administration to have the current president’s top competitor imprisoned.

Haley recently surged in the polls among likely Republican voters and is nearly tied for second place with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Some polls also show her pulling ahead of DeSantis. However, Trump’s lead also recently surged even farther ahead of both candidates.

Much of Haley’s surge in the polls came from New Hampshire in December. She received the endorsement of Chris Sununu, the state’s Republican governor. Sununu said he plans to “go all in” to help Haley win Republican voters in the state. Trump still leads Haley in New Hampshire by double digits. The state’s primaries are scheduled for January 23rd.

She is also fighting DeSantis for second place in Iowa’s polls. Their Republican scrum is scheduled for January 15th.

DeSantis continues to claim that he is “the only one who can beat Trump.” He also claimed that much of Haley’s support is coming from voters who are not Republicans. DeSantis then said that Trump owes voters an answer on whether he will nominate Haley as his vice president. Trump has not yet made any announcements on who his pick will be if he wins the party’s nomination.

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