Ghastly Crime Scene Photos Leaked to the Public

Ghastly Crime-Scene Photos Leaked to the Public

( – A recent public leak of photos from the Delphi murder scene that took place in 2017 has police in Indiana searching for the source.

The photos show the horrific scene where Abigail Willams and Liberty German, ages 13 and 14, respectively, were murdered while hiking along Monon High Bridge Trail, a popular attraction in Delphi, Indiana. Tragically, the pictures have been shared several times on social media.

The horrific photos were intended to be used as evidence in the case against Richard Allen, the man police believe is behind the murders of the teens. A separate photo from that day shows Allen in the area around the time the teens were killed. Allen admitted that he was there but initially denied killing the girls. He later admitted to his wife that he did commit the murders during a call from jail earlier this year.

Allen was questioned by police later in 2017. However, he was not arrested until five years later, in October 2022. Hosts of the podcast “Murder Street,” Kevin Greenlee and Áine Cain, believe the delayed arrest was likely due to a clerical error.

They also expressed concern over how the photos might be used. Greenlee, a lawyer, warns that the images could make jurors more biased in the case against Allen. He also fears that they could be used to harass the grieving families of the victims or those related to Allen.

The hosts believe the leaked source has a connection with one of Allen’s lawyers, Andrew Baldwin. Investigators have not yet confirmed any suspicions. However, other sources claim that someone involved with the leak has committed suicide.

The leak also included several detailed documents of the crime. Some of those documents confirm that the murders appeared to be part of a ritual carried out by members of a pagan cult, according to Allen’s defense team. They have also named five other suspects who they believe are the likely culprits in the murders. Prosecutors in the case, however, claim this theory is “fanciful.”

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