Former State Attorney Sentenced For Fraud and Perjury

( – A woman who previously served as a state attorney in Baltimore, MD, received a one-year home detention after she was convicted of charges related to perjury and fraud.

Marilyn Mosby, 44, learned her fate on May 23rd. In addition to house arrest, she must also give up the Florida condos tied to her convictions. She will receive a refund for her downpayment and 10% of the value that has since been appreciated. Additionally, Mosby will have to undergo three years of supervised release after her home detention sentence ends. She must also serve 100 hours of service for her community.

Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby’s sentence was much less severe than the 40 years of imprisonment that Mosby initially faced. The prosecution team later sought a 20-month prison sentence.

Mosby was accused of providing false information on a mortgage document when she purchased two vacation condos located in Florida. Mosby claims she never intended to deceive banks and simply made mistakes on her loan application.

Additionally, Mosby faces two counts related to perjury for allegedly conspiring to defraud the city by falsely claiming financial hardships during the COVID pandemic. That allowed her to pull money from a retirement fund established by the city.

However, Mosby has not given up the fight against her charges. She claimed that the charges were politically motivated by the Trump administration. Officials were seeking revenge, Mosby claims, after she filed charges against six police officers who were allegedly involved in the death of a black man while he was in their custody. She is begging the Biden administration to issue a pardon on her behalf. The NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus are backing her demands for a pardon while claiming that Mosby was also targeted because of her skin color.

Several crowds gathered outside of the courthouse as Mosby received her sentence. Some were there to support her, while others clapped after the sentence was handed down.

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