Former President Pays Tribute After American Diplomat Passes Away

Former President Pays Tribute After American Diplomat Passes Away

( – Former United States President George W. Bush paid tribute to former presidential adviser and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on November 29, sharing an oil painting he made for the famous American diplomat. In a statement, the former commander-in-chief wrote that, with Kissinger’s death, the country lost one of the most distinctive and “dependable” voices on foreign policy.

Bush added he has long admired Kisinger because of the way he managed to escape from Nazy Germany as a young boy from a Jewish family and how he eventually became a soldier of the United States Army. The Republican leader pointed out he feels grateful for the service and advice Kissinger delivered to different presidents and political leaders in the country. He also noted that he and his family will miss Kissinger’s charm and wisdom, and said Americans should be thankful for his contributions to the country.

Included in the statement was a picture of the different oil paintings that the former president has made of Kissinger over the last few years. These paintings were featured in his book Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants.

Kissinger, whose real name was Heinz, died on November 29 at the age of 100 at his house in Connecticut. He entered the American political arena in 1969 when he served as the national security adviser of then-President and Republican leader Richard Nixon. While still in his role, he appointed Kissinger to serve as the secretary of state, which made him the first person in United States history to serve as a national security adviser and secretary of state simultaneously.

Kissinger’s work included the peace negotiations in the Vietnam War, along with improving the economic and diplomatic relations between the United States and the Chinese regime. After stepping down as the US Secretary of State, he was awarded the US Presidential Medal of Freedom, which is the highest civilian award in the nation.

After leaving the State Department and the White House, Kissinger remained in the foreign policy sector, offering his advice to numerous US leaders, including presidents George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan.

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