Former Obama Official Admits GOP Tactic Worked

Former Obama Official Admits GOP Tactic Worked

( – Former advisor to Obama and Senior Political Commentator for CNN, Van Jones, admitted that the GOP’s tactic of sending illegal immigrants to blue states and cities has worked really well.

He credited red states with successfully “destabilizing some of the politics in our own party” after giving constituents first-hand experience with the impact of illegal immigration. He said the issue is “cutting through” to the base.

Jones also acknowledged the frustrations of New York City’s Democrat mayor, Eric Adams, in claiming that his city doesn’t have the resources to handle illegal immigrants. Adams recently drew sharp criticism for keeping students at home so that a local school could be used to house illegal immigrants. He also previously accused the Biden administration of handling the border crisis irresponsibly.

Jones then admitted that Democrats haven’t historically had a full view of the impact of illegal immigration, while red state governors have been overwhelmed by it. Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott says the situation is so dire that he will defy the federal government and continue to install razor wire along the border. The Supreme Court recently ruled in a slim vote that federal agents may cut down razor fences installed by the state.

Chicago’s Democrat mayor, Brandon Johnson, also faced recent criticism for his objections to illegal immigrants being sent to his city. Johnson has traditionally supported illegal immigration, but was accused of hypocrisy after he condemned Republicans for sending them to his city.

Democrat voters are also frustrated, and experts believe it could negatively impact the party’s chances in 2024. Most of the blue states dealing with a surge of illegal immigrants are also facing budget shortfalls. Many of their voters also don’t seem to be accepting the shift in blame to Republican officials. However, they are increasingly frustrated with the Biden administration.

Americans are also increasingly concerned about the border crisis as the conflict between Hamas and Israel continues to build global tensions. Two Iranians on the FBI’s terror watchlist were detained in Mexico near the US border in December. Officials have expressed concern over the potential number of terrorists that have taken advantage of the nation’s lackluster border security.

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