Disturbing Markings Mirror WWII Hatred

Disturbing Markings Mirror WWII Hatred

(NationRise.com) – According to French media, Stars of David were spray-painted on numerous houses and apartment buildings in Paris recently. Some French politicians claimed that Jews in France were “horrified,” as the markings recalled the same actions that Nazis committed against Jewish-owned businesses in Berlin during the rise of the Third Reich.

In a statement, French police said that officers found roughly 60 Stars of David painted on walls, doors, and windows in the capital city’s 14th arrondissement. Emmanuel Gregoire, who is the deputy to Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, said during a press conference that the Stars of David would be removed. He added that police authorities will investigate the matter and prosecute those who painted the stars, as he said, “This is an act of antisemitism.”

Gregorie also told reporters that these acts of “bigotry” should be eradicated, as he noted that discrimination has killed many people “in France and all over the world.” He also said that the country’s political establishment shouldn’t “keep ignoring” these cases and should make considerable efforts to solve a problem that could “get out of control.”

According to an AFP report, numerous Stars of David have been painted on Jewish-owned private properties in several city suburbs over the last few days. These included Fontenay-aux Roses, Aubervilliers, and Vanyes. Retail outlets were targeted as well.

In a statement, the Union of Jewish Students of France said that more Stars of David were painted in the town of Saint-Ouen, along with pro-Palestine and anti-Israel slogans. The union added that those who want to “terrorize” the French Jewish community should be found and “punished.”

Different reports revealed that antisemitic acts have spread across many Western nations after the attacks perpetrated by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas against Israel on October 7.

France’s Interior Ministry reported almost 800 antisemitic incidents in the country. Meanwhile, France’s Minister of Justice Eric Dupond said in a statement that authorities have made over 400 arrests for antisemitic acts since October 8. Recently, one Jewish woman was even stabbed, and a swastika was found carved into her residence.

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