Democratic Rep Seemingly Caught in Bald-Faced Lie

Democratic Rep Caught in Bald-Faced Lie

( – The video of New York Democratic Representative Jamaal Bowman pulling the fire alarm in a Congress office building was officially released after he accepted a plea agreement on misdemeanor charges for the incident. Different media outlets published the September 30 security footage that shows the “Squad” member trying to open two doors while he was at the Cannon House Office Building. The congressman appears to approach these doors and tries to open the right one first and the left one after. He then turned and pulled the fire alarm.

In his initial declarations about this incident, Bowman told reporters he didn’t mean to pull the fire alarm. He said he did it because he was in a hurry to go to vote on the stopgap legislation to fund the Biden administration temporarily and prevent a government shutdown.

Following the release of the security footage, the New York Democratic representative acknowledged his actions were against DC law, but he claimed he didn’t try to interrupt any congressional proceeding.

Despite these declarations, many political figures believe that the video contradicts his argument. One of these was Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz, who said on his Twitter account that what the footage showed is what “lawyers would call ‘intent.’”

Former Republican Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker also blasted the “Squad” member. He said Bowman was a “bold-faced liar” and said he should be in prison because of what he did. In a Twitter post, the GOP leader pointed out that what Bowman did wasn’t an accident but a “premeditated attempt” to prevent House representatives from voting. Walker also mentioned that what the New York congressman did was a “federal crime.”

Bowman turned himself into DC Superior Court a couple of hours after the video’s release and pleaded guilty to causing the false alarm. As part of the plea agreement, he must pay a $1,000 fine and write a letter of apology to the US Capitol Police.

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