Democratic Lawmaker Faces Calls to Resign After Controversial Social Media Post

( – Residents of a city in New Jersey are demanding that a far-left councilwoman resign from office after she posted an inflammatory meme on Instagram mocking the Easter holiday.

Paula Gilligan, who currently serves as a councilwoman for Glen Rock Borough, posted an image referring to Easter eggs as “aborted chicken babies that are eventually “painted in drag.” The post then claimed that Easter eggs are presented to children as idols of worship. The post ended with the caption, “Happy Easter.”

Gilligan claimed the post was intended to mock “personhood laws” that label unborn fetuses as humans with the same rights as any other American. She called the laws absurd and claimed they undermine the ability of a woman to live her life as she sees fit. She then claimed to believe that every American should have control over their life and body.

The backlash from her constituents was almost immediate. Some residents commenting on a Facebook post suggested Gilligan was a hypocrite after campaigning on a message of equity and kindness. Others accused her of ignoring constituents who were critical of the post. A growing number of local residents are calling for her to resign. Some also planned to protest during a council meeting on March 27th.

Gilligan later apologized for the post, saying it was not her intention to offend the religious beliefs of locals. However, she also claimed in her apology that the post never mentioned Easter despite sarcastically wishing readers a “Happy Easter” at the bottom.

The Borough of Glen Rock also published a post on its official Facebook page apologizing for the post. They acknowledged the importance of the holiday and religious beliefs among its community members. They also condemned the act of mocking such views on social media and reiterated that Gilligan’s post did not speak for the borough or its representatives. Gilligan echoed the point that it reflected her views alone in her apology.

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