Convicted Killer Pardoned By Governor

( – On May 16, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued Daniel Perry, a sergeant in the US Army, a pardon for killing Garret Foster when he shot him during a Black Lives Matter (BLM) protest. In April 2023, Travis County court convicted Perry even though his actions had a strong ‘Stand Your Ground’ self-defense, according to Abbott’s written statement.

The Board of Pardons and Paroles of Texas made the unanimous decision after a meticulous examination of Perry’s history and the cause of the incident. They decided the District Attorney and the jury should not have invalidated the ‘Stand Your Ground’ law. Abbott reviewed the board’s decision and recommended a full pardon and the restoration of Perry’s citizen rights.

The proclamation for the pardon included the fact that Perry was driving on an Austin public road when he slowed as he came across the protesters blocking traffic. The protesters surrounded his car, acting aggressively as they struck the vehicle. Foster went toward the car and stopped 18 inches away, all the while carrying a rifle in a position ready to fire. Perry then fired, using his handgun, and struck Foster to cancel what he thought was a threat to his life. Perry promptly reported the incident to the police, expressing his fear of death if he hadn’t defended himself.

Abbott included in his statement that the Travis County District Attorney, Jose Garza, withheld evidence of an exculpatory nature when presenting the case to the Grand Jury. He stated that the DA prioritized limiting a citizen’s access to firearms over upholding justice.

After a Travis County jury convicted Perry, he made a statement that Foster had aimed his AK-47 at him in his car when the protesters barred his way as he tried to move along down the street. After Perry’s statement, Abbott told the Pardons and Paroles Board to accelerate their review as he attempted to curb deceptive DAs.

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