Christmas Tragedy Claims the Lives of Two Little Girls

Christmas Tragedy Claims the Lives of Two Little Girls

( – According to a New York Post December 25 report, a family from southern California suffered the worst type of tragedy as their two little daughters died in a fire sparked by a Christmas tree in their house. The media outlet said that Barstow firefighters were called to the scene at 7 p.m. on December 14 after receiving numerous reports of a house fire with little girls stuck inside.

During an interview with Fox News, Akeem and Charmon Isom said they did everything they could to try to save their daughters before the firefighters arrived. However, they said it was impossible to do it as 2-year-old Aalijah Isom and 7-year-old Annie Isom were trapped.

Charmon Isom said that she and her husband tried to enter the house through the front and back doors, in addition to their kitchen window. She said both of them suffered different types of injuries and burns after busting their house’s windows and trying to get under the fire.

Barstow Fire Protection District said that when firefighters arrived, they had to jump through two different bedroom windows to locate the little girls. Once they took them, they immediately handed them over to police officers, who then rushed the girls to ambulances.

During the interview with the conservative network, the Isom family said that the first one to die was Aalijah, a couple of minutes after arriving at a nearby hospital. Her sister was airlifted to a burn center after being rescued and was put on life support immediately. However, she died a week later after her parents decided to let her go, following doctors’ recommendations.

Different reports pointed out that the Isom family is currently raising money to pay for their daughters’ funerals and to find a new home, following the severe damages the accident caused to their house. Some media outlets noted that investigators believe that one of the main reasons the fire happened was because the house’s smoke detectors didn’t work.

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