Caitlyn Jenner Announces Support of Transgender Sports Ban

( – Caitlyn Jenner, who previously won a gold medal in the Olympics as Bruce Jenner before undergoing transgender treatments, has announced her support for a ban on transgender women participating in female sports.

The ban currently being introduced in the suburbs of New York City in Long Island will prevent biological males from participating in female sports in over 100 municipal facilities. It follows an executive order signed in February by Bruce Blakeman, a Republican executive in Nassau County. Jenner stood alongside Blakeman in that allowing transgendered women to participate on female teams will “ruin women’s sports.”

Far-left groups were quick to attack Jenner for her stance. The LGBT network called her a “hypocrite” and said her statements were harmful to the LGBT community.

However, a growing number of experts conclude that it’s actually harmful to women’s sports. Kim Russell, who served as a women’s swim coach at the far-left Oberlin College, praised Emma Weyant for being the “true champion” during a tournament after she came in second place to a transgender athlete. Her statement kicked off a massive controversy, but she said plainly that biological males don’t belong in women’s sports.

She’s not alone in her view. Sports scientist Ross Tucker says biological males have a physiological advantage over females even if they begin gender reassignment procedures early in life. He specifically noted changes to the heart, muscles, and skeletal system.

A majority of Americans also believe that biological males shouldn’t participate in female sports, and that number is growing.

The ban would deny permits to female teams who recruit biological males to use county parks. However, it does not prevent transgendered men from competing on men’s teams. Jenner insists that he continues to support LGBT communities and rights. He is also an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump and previously campaigned as a Republican for California’s governorship in 2021. He said that his only intention in supporting the ban is to “protect women.”

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