Brutal Murderer Learns His Fate

Brutal Murderer Learns His Fate

( – 24-year-old Nathan James Gilmore of Iowa has been sentenced to 50 years in prison after the Satanic murder of a young woman.

Gilmore pled guilty to the murder of Angela Bradbury, 29, and placing her skull on a spike in a local park. Investigators found a pentagram painted in blood in the shape of a goat’s head on the wall of his apartment. The grisly image also included the GPS coordinates of Bradbury’s skull. Her family filed a missing person’s report in February of 2022 after she had not been seen since April 2021.

Bradbury’s skull had already been found ahead of the missing person’s report by a teen girl at the Cedar River Greenbelt Trail in a park situated between their homes. Investigators found more remains from Bradbury’s body at the park in April 2022.

Gilmore initially faced charges of murder in the first degree, which would have carried a life sentence. However, his charges were reduced to murder in the second degree after he confessed to the grotesque crime.

One of the last sightings of Bradbury was of her leaving a friend’s home with a man who matched Gilmore’s description. GPS data from an app on his phone confirmed that he was with Bradbury at the time of her death.

Bradbury and Gilmore met at a jailhouse in Cerro Gordo County, Iowa. Gilmore was arriving for a court appearance as Bradbury was being released from custody on a trespassing charge.

According to a local radio station, Gilmore said he didn’t feel anything after killing Bradbury. Instead, he simply went back to work after the murder. He also admitted that it wasn’t “the worst” thing he’s done. He also expressed on social media the arousal he would experience after stabbing someone.

Gilmore will not be eligible for parole until he spends at least 35 years in prison.

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