Border Patrol Union Blasts Biden, Praises Trump

( – The National Border Patrol Council, a union representing Border Patrol agents in the US, made heavy accusations against President Joe Biden in an X social media post on March 2nd.

The post references a Fox News article in which the union accused Biden of hurling false accusations against border patrol agents of crimes they never committed. They also mocked his decision to visit the border in Texas despite his ongoing support for open-border policies. Biden recently fought to stop the state of Texas from protecting its border after the federal government refused to do so. The Supreme Court also moved to temporarily freeze a new law in Texas that toughens enforcement.

Trump also recently visited the border between Texas and Mexico at one of the most contentious cities for illegal immigration.

Biden also blamed Trump for the failure of a recent “compromise” bill that would allow an average of 4,000 illegal immigrants to cross the border over the span of a week before an emergency declaration could be issued. He claimed a majority of Republicans supported the bill prior to Trump’s intervention.

They also blasted Biden in an X post for voiding several executive orders signed during Trump’s presidency that helped reduce the influx of illegal migrants. The union credited those orders with “keeping our border under control.” They have publicly endorsed Trump despite him taking previous strong stances against unions. Another X post credits Trump with respecting agents while Biden insults them.

Border patrol agents have reported being overwhelmed by the surge of illegal immigrants during the Biden administration. They have been forced to simply parole migrants before releasing an average of 1,000 per day into the United States. They have also expressed concerns over the likelihood of terrorists using the open border to infiltrate the country.

Illegal immigration is becoming a contentious issue ahead of the 2024 general election. Even Democrats have criticized the president for his open-border policies. New York City’s Democrat mayor, Eric Adams, also recently traveled to Mexico in an effort to discourage that country’s government from supporting illegal immigration. Only 26% of Americans believe the Biden administration is handling border security properly.

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