Biden Claims to Have Spoken With Dead World Leaders

( – President Joe Biden’s mental fitness is once again being questioned after recently claiming that he spoke with European leaders who have died — some having died many years ago.

Biden told supporters on February 7th that he previously met with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl about the January 6th controversy during a campaign event in New York City. Kohl died in 2017 while Trump was still president. Biden referenced the conversation twice during the event.

The gaffe came just a few days after Biden claimed to have met with Francois Mitterrand during a G7 summit in 2021. The problem is Mitterand, a former president of France, died in 1996. Biden actually met with Emmanual Macron, the current president of France.

Biden also seemed to struggle with answering questions during a press conference on February 6th. There were short periods where he froze and others where he seemed to lose track of the subject.

He also recently said that he “didn’t know” how half of the boxes of classified documents ended up in a garage at his private residence. Biden largely blamed his staff for the mishandled documents during a recent, brief controversy that was largely ignored by the mainstream media. Investigators have announced that Biden won’t face charges despite similarities to a case with former President Donald Trump that eventually led to an FBI raid of his Mar-a-Lago estate.

A special counsel was held in response to that controversy that determined Biden’s mental faculties were “limited” and accused him of forgetting the year his son died. Biden responded by blasting the report. He claimed that he remembers the death of his son well and is healthy enough for another term.

Biden’s mental fitness has been called into question throughout his presidency. It is among the top concerns expressed by the vast majority of American voters, regardless of their party affiliation. However, he remains the Democratic frontrunner ahead of the 2024 Primary Elections. Some Democrats have tried to defend him by attacking Trump’s age, although his gaffes have been significantly fewer in number.

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