Biden Blasted in Stinging State of the Union Rebuttal

( – Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) joined the list of prominent figures who are bashing President Joe Biden’s unusual and often enraged State of the Union Address. Britt was chosen to give the Republican Party’s official rebuttal.

She began by addressing Biden’s claims about the border, one of the points he addressed during his speech on Fox News. He claimed his bill offered the “toughest set of border security reform we’ve ever seen.” The crowd jeered Biden loudly despite giving him a warm reception at the beginning of his speech. He responded by mocking the crowd. Britt pointed out the fact that he actually inherited the most secure border in our nation’s history before accusing him of pausing deportations of illegal immigrants, canceling the construction of the border wall, and announcing amnesty for those already in the US.

Britt then accused him of “inviting” the nation’s border crisis. Her concerns echo deep criticisms that have even come from Biden’s own party. Over a dozen senators joined Republicans in supporting a bill that condemned Biden’s open-border policies. Since Biden took office, border patrol agents have been so overwhelmed by the sharp rise in illegal immigration that they now just parole migrants before releasing them into the US.

She also referred to Biden as “a dithering and diminished leader” who isn’t really in charge before insinuating an increase in crime during his presidency. Biden’s presidency has been marked by a series of blunders, ranging from his attempting to shake hands with air to his falling asleep during meetings with world leaders. His age and mental fitness are some of voters’ top concerns.

Britt also accused the far-left “Defund the Police” movement for leading to a crime surge across the nation, especially in blue strongholds. In San Francisco, shoplifters have become so emboldened that they have looted stores in full view of news crews. Some of the local shopping districts have been referred to as “ghost towns” as businesses abandon the city.

Biden and former president Donald Trump have been fighting a close race with each other as they dominate their party’s primaries.

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