Barron Trump Declines Offer to Be Republican Delegate

( – Barron Trump, the 18-year-old son of former president Donald Trump, had a change of heart after being appointed as a delegate for the upcoming Republican National Convention.

Barron was initially selected on May 9th to serve alongside his siblings as an at-large delegate for Florida. The state’s party nominated 41 in all. His father will officially receive the Republican nomination during the event. He originally agreed to accept the role, marking a staunch change from his typical habit of avoiding politics.

However, far-left attacks against Barron began almost immediately after the announcement. Mike Sington, a former NBC Universal executive, referred to the teen as “fair game” in a post that has been deleted since. Liam Nissan, an influential satirical social media personality, said he would “roast that lanky dweeb like a marshmallow on a campfire.”

Feminist extremist Allison Gill claimed the teen is “no longer off limits” in an X post. She slammed his mother for allowing him to participate in politics while blaming Barron for participating “in his father’s circus.” Rob Vorek, another liberal poster, said his decision will “end very badly.”

Melania Trump’s office confirmed the news. They released a statement saying that he respectfully declined because of other commitments, but did not elaborate on what they are. However, Barron is set to graduate from high school on May 17th. His father will attend both the graduation and a fundraising event that day after getting the time off from his court appearances.

Donald Trump praised his son for being a “great student” when asked about the decision. He also confirmed that his son does like politics and often encourages him.

Trump officially became the presumptive Republican nominee in March after winning a majority of state delegates. Both candidates remain in a tight race for the polls ahead of the November elections. Half of US voters have said they would prefer a new set of candidates. Biden is frequently attacked for his mental fitness and lax border security policies, while Trump is often attacked on ethical grounds.

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