Associated Press Brutally Mocked for Manipulating News

( – Media conglomerate The Associated Press is facing intense scrutiny after it was accused of misleading news reports about a murder in Georgia.

The body of 22-year-old Laken Riley was found on February 22nd, one day before Jose Antonio Ibarra was arrested in connection with her murder. Initial reports revealed that he was residing in the United States illegally. Officials confirmed that during a press conference shortly after his arrest.

Ibarra, 26, was originally born in Venezuela. He was caught by the border patrol for entering the United States illegally but released shortly after in El Paso, TX. The border patrol has largely been paroling illegal immigrants after getting overwhelmed by a surge at the border.

He spent some time living in New York City comfortably. He was arrested after he threatened a 5-year-old child while there. He later moved to Athens, GA, where he tried to work for the University of Georgia as a dishwasher with a fake green card. However, he was fired after he failed to provide sufficient documentation. Riley’s body was found soon after in a nearby lake.

However, The Associated Press simply labeled Ibarra as a resident of Athens, GA, in a post on X about the incident. It then focused on its perceived fear of women engaging in outdoor activities alone without giving any further details about Ibarra.

Scott Presler, a conservative influencer and activist, slammed the AP’s omitting of Ibarra’s legal status. He also accused the Democrats of wanting to replace Americans with illegal immigrants to earn more votes. He then pointed out the lawlessness that Democrats have supported in recent years, saying rampant illegal immigration plays into the same agenda.

He wasn’t alone. Christina Pushaw, the outspoken staffer for Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, accused the AP of blaming a female victim for her own choice to exercise before blaming an illegal immigrant.

Former Republican Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin corrected the AP’s lax reporting before demanding that the US border be closed. He noted that more Americans will likely be killed if lawmakers are not pressured to secure the border.

Conservative journalist Ryan Girdusky accused the AP of inconsistent standards in its reports. He noted that it will blame a female athlete for her death in one story, yet refuse to define a female in another.

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