Anti-Communist Sister of Fidel Castro Dead at 90

Anti-Communist Sister of Fidel Castro Dead at 90

( – Juanita Castro, who was the sister of Cuba’s communist dictators Fidel and Raul Castro, died of natural causes on December 4 at the age of 90 in Miami, Florida. She was known for being one of the most prominent Cuban anti-communists and even worked with the CIA for years to overthrow her brothers’ left-wing tyranny. She escaped from Cuba nearly 60 years ago and was never allowed to return.

On her Instagram account, reporter Maria Collins, who co-wrote Juanita Castro’s 2009 book, announced her death and said she was “ahead of us.” Collins added that the anti-communist activist was an “exceptional woman” and a person who always fought for Cuba’s freedom, even if the cause meant standing against her own family.

In the memoir, Castro revealed she started to work with the CIA a couple of months after the Kennedy administration botched the Bay of Pigs invasion back in 1961. Most Cuban exiles hold the Democratic Party in contempt because of the incident, as many say former President John F. Kennedy betrayed them in the operation.

According to different reports, while Juanita Castro initially supported her brothers’ efforts to perpetrate a coup against dictator Fulgencio Batista, she immediately became disillusioned when Fidel Castro embraced communism. When her house in Havana became a sanctuary for many anti-communists during the 1960s, Fidel Castro warned her that if she kept getting involved with those who refused to support the Cuban revolution, she would face the “worst consequences.”

She explained in the book that the wife of Brazil’s ambassador to Cuba was the person who convinced her to meet with a CIA officer during a business trip she made to Mexico City back in 1962. Castro said that while she was taking that step for the “freedom of Cuba” instead of money, the only demand she made was that her brothers didn’t suffer any type of violence.

So far, the Cuban regime hasn’t made any mention of her death.

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