7-Year-Old’s Death Serves as a Warning to Parents Everywhere

7-Year-Old's Death Serves as a Warning to Parents Everywhere

(NationRise.com) – The devastated mother of a 7-year-old girl killed just a week after her birthday party has issued a desperate warning to other parents.

In a Facebook post, Channa Kelly said that her daughter, Alexandra Kelly, was popping birthday balloons at her house in Clinton, Tennessee when her life was ended. According to the grieving mother, the child was suffocated by a number “7” balloon she received for her birthday. Kelly wrote it was hard to accept and “comprehend” what happened, noting that it was the birthday balloon that took her baby.

According to a WAFB report, Alexandra Kelly turned seven years old on September 27, and her family decided to celebrate her birthday party four days later on a Sunday. Her mother was sitting with her, popping the birthday balloons, when she suddenly asked if she could pop the number “7.” The media outlet said that the mother accepted and went into the bedroom, where she fell asleep for a few minutes. When she woke up, she found the little girl face down on the floor, with the popped balloon around her head.

Kelly told the media outlet she immediately removed it from her daughter’s head, called 911, and started CPR. The mother explained that while emergency personnel took over this procedure after the ambulance arrived, her daughter was already dead.

In her Facebook Post, the mother explained that emergency personnel did their best to bring her back, but it was impossible to revive her. She said that, after knowing her only daughter just died, she “cried hysterically” and was in utter shock.

Kelly explained she wanted to share this experience with all mothers so they could be aware of the dangers of the Mylar birthday balloons. She said that her world suddenly “collapsed” around her on October 1.

According to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, balloons are the leading cause of child deaths by suffocation among all children’s products.

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