Trump Slams Harris’s Controversial Record As California’s AG

Trump Slams Harris's Controversial Record As California's AG

Former President Donald Trump ignites debate over Vice President Kamala Harris’s criminal justice record, raising questions about her stance on reform and past decisions as California’s Attorney General.

At a Glance

  • Trump criticizes Harris for a decade-old California criminal justice policy
  • Debate centers on Proposition 47, which reduced penalties for certain thefts
  • Harris’s record as prosecutor and Attorney General comes under scrutiny
  • Trump’s comments spark discussion on criminal justice reform and Harris’s evolving positions

Trump’s Critique and California’s Proposition 47

In a recent press conference, former President Donald Trump took aim at Vice President Kamala Harris’s criminal justice record, focusing on policies implemented during her tenure as California’s Attorney General. Trump’s criticism centered on a controversial aspect of California’s criminal justice system, claiming that thefts under $950 are not charged as crimes in the state.

“I didn’t know this, but you’re allowed to rob a store as long as it’s not more than $950,” Trump stated, adding, “You have thieves going into stores with calculators calculating how much it is, because if it’s less than $950 they can rob it and not get charged.”

However, Trump’s statements require clarification. Proposition 47, passed in 2014, did reduce penalties for thefts under $950 to misdemeanors, but these acts remain crimes. Moreover, the $950 threshold was actually set by California’s Legislature in 2010, before Harris became Attorney General. It’s worth noting that Harris remained neutral on many criminal justice issues during her time as Attorney General, including Proposition 47, arguing that her role required impartiality in writing official ballot measure titles and summaries.

Harris’s Evolving Stance on Criminal Justice

Kamala Harris’s record on criminal justice has been a subject of both praise and criticism. As San Francisco District Attorney, she opposed the death penalty but later supported it as Attorney General, highlighting her evolving positions. During her 2020 presidential campaign, Harris advocated for reforms on solitary confinement, mandatory minimum sentences, and decriminalizing border crossings.

One notable initiative launched by Harris was the Back on Track program, aimed at reducing recidivism among low-level drug offenders. This program, highlighted in her 2019 memoir, demonstrates her efforts to implement progressive reforms within the criminal justice system.

The Kevin Cooper Case and Conservative Criticism

Conservatives have been particularly vocal about Harris’s involvement in the Kevin Cooper case. Cooper, a Black man convicted of murdering four white people in 1983, remains on death row while maintaining his innocence. Harris faced criticism for initially not allowing DNA testing when she was Attorney General, a position she later reversed in 2018.

“To all Kamala Harris supporters, just look up Kevin Cooper. Respond with what you please. But I bet you don’t look it up first. Because if you do, it must affect your words of anger to people that think little of her,” wrote one critic.

The Broader Debate on Criminal Justice Reform

Trump’s critique of Harris comes amidst a broader national debate on criminal justice reform. While Trump claims credit for the First Step Act, which aimed to reduce sentences for nonviolent drug offenders and address racial inequalities, it’s important to note that this legislation was largely a continuation of reforms started under the Obama administration and was a bipartisan effort.

As the 2024 election approaches, both Trump and the Biden-Harris administration face scrutiny over their stances on criminal justice. Trump’s campaign and the GOP platform currently emphasize a tough-on-crime stance, while the Biden administration has been criticized for approving fewer clemency petitions compared to previous administrations.

As the debate continues, voters will need to carefully consider the evolving positions and records of both sides on this critical issue. The ongoing discussion highlights the complexity of criminal justice reform and the challenges faced by politicians in balancing public safety concerns with the need for systemic change.


  1. Trump hits Harris on decade-old California criminal justice policy
  2. Kamala Harris’ Record as a Prosecutor Comes Under Scrutiny
  3. What do marijuana, the death penalty and fracking have in common? Harris shifted positions on them
  4. 5 Things to Know About Kamala Harris’ Criminal Justice Record
  5. Criminal Justice Reform: Trump’s Indifference vs. Harris’s Mixed Record
  6. Kamala Harris honed her Senate identity as a Trump foil
  7. Trump vs. Harris vs. RFK Jr.: How their policies compare
  8. The Prosecutor vs. the Felon
  9. Prosecutor Kamala Harris takes on felon Donald Trump
  10. It’s Been Easy To Forget How Bad Kamala Harris Is