Protesters Clash with Police Outside DNC

Protesters Clash with Police Outside DNC

Chaos erupted outside the Israeli consulate in Chicago as pro-Palestinian protesters clashed with police during the Democratic National Convention, resulting in dozens of arrests and a controversial flag-burning incident.

At a Glance

  • Multiple pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested after confrontations with police.
  • Protesters burned an American flag during the demonstration.
  • The Chicago chapter of the National Lawyers Guild reported at least 72 arrests.
  • Police Superintendent Larry Snelling praised the police response as proportional.
  • The protest was advertised under the slogan “Make it great like ’68,” referencing the 1968 Democratic National Convention protests.

Tension Escalates as Protesters Confront Police

On the second night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, tensions reached a boiling point as pro-Palestinian demonstrators clashed with police outside the Israeli consulate. The confrontation began when protesters charged at a line of police officers blocking their march, leading to a series of arrests and violent encounters.

Police in riot gear repeatedly penned in protesters throughout the night, leading to accusations of using the controversial “kettling” tactic. However, Police Superintendent Larry Snelling vehemently denied these claims, stating that the tactic is banned under a federal consent decree.

Flag Burning Incident Inflames Tensions

The situation escalated further when some demonstrators set an American flag on fire during the protest. This act of desecration drew sharp criticism from onlookers and intensified the already charged atmosphere. The flag-burning incident served as a flashpoint, prompting a more aggressive response from law enforcement.

“We have people who showed up here to commit acts of violence,” Superintendent Snelling told reporters late Tuesday. “They wanted chaos.”

The protesters, undeterred by the police presence, chanted slogans such as “Free, free Palestine” and “CPD, go home or we will bring the war home!” These provocative statements further strained the relationship between demonstrators and law enforcement.

Mass Arrests and Controversial Police Tactics

The Chicago chapter of the National Lawyers Guild reported at least 72 arrests during the night’s events. Many of these arrests occurred as police blocked demonstrators from leaving a plaza, raising concerns about the tactics employed by law enforcement to manage the crowd.

Officers ordered the crowd to disperse as tensions reached their peak. Despite the order, many protesters stood their ground, shouting back, “We’re not scared of you.” This defiant stance led to further confrontations and arrests throughout the night.

Echoes of 1968 and Political Implications

The protest was advertised under the provocative slogan “Make it great like ’68,” deliberately invoking memories of the infamous 1968 Democratic National Convention protests. This reference to a turbulent period in American political history added an extra layer of significance to the night’s events.

The clash between protesters and police outside the Democratic National Convention highlights the ongoing tensions surrounding U.S. foreign policy, particularly regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict. As the convention continues, these events serve as a stark reminder of the challenges facing the Democratic Party in addressing both domestic and international concerns.


  1. Anti-Israel protesters clash with police outside Israel’s Chicago consulate during DNC
  2. Pro-Palestinian protesters clash with police near Chicago’s Israeli consulate on second night of DNC
  3. On Day 2 of DNC, police arrest demonstrators outside Israeli Consulate
  4. Pro-Palestinian protesters clash with police near Chicago’s Israeli consulate on second night of DNC
  5. Pro-Palestinian protesters clash with police near Chicago’s Israeli consulate on second night of DNC
  6. Man Tries to Rescue American Flag Burning Near DNC
  7. More than a dozen protesters arrested after clash with police outside Chicago’s Israeli consulate
  8. Police and protesters clash at Israeli consulate during Chicago convention