Police Rush in After Jewish Students Threatened at Another College Campus

Police Rush in After Jewish Student Threatened at Another College Campus

(NationRise.com) – Threatening online messages warning of serious harm against Jewish students at Cornell University prompted a police investigation while students were afraid to leave their dormitories.

Over half a dozen messages have surfaced so far, some directly calling for the shooting and extermination of Jewish students. The statements, which appeared on fraternity and sorority review site “Greek Rank,” were posted by an anonymous user.

Cornell police are investigating the threats and strengthening their security presence. They have also contacted the FBI.

The school warned students via Facebook to avoid the 104West building, the university’s home of its multicultural dining area. It also warned them to use caution anytime they’re on campus.

Cornell has over 3000 Jewish students. They make up 22% of the overall student population. Cornell Hillel is also home to dozens of Jewish organizations led by students.

21-year-old Patrick Dai has since been arrested and charged for the horrifying comments. He faces up to 5 years in prison if convicted.

Jewish people across the world have faced heightened antisemitism amid the war between Israel and Hamas. Europe has reported over 800 antisemitic incidents in the weeks following the surprise attack by Hamas. Some incidents included vandalism, while others involved violent attacks against Jewish people.

A large mob descended on a Russian airport in the mostly Islamic republic of Dagestan. The rioters, many of whom were carrying the Palestinian flag, were trying to reach the passenger of a flight bound for Tel Aviv. No one was hurt.

The war is believed to be the motivation for an Islamic man who shot and killed three Swedish men in Brussels, Belgium. While authorities have not yet verified the motive, the attack did prompt them to raise the nation’s terror alert.

There has also been an increase in attacks against Jews in New York. Demonstrators have also gathered to support Hamas and Palestine in the city.

The Biden Administration has announced plans to have the Justice Department and Homeland Security work with college campus police departments to fight against antisemitism. The measures included plans to track online activities for possible instances of hate speech. They are also pledging more government resources to the schools.

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