Once-in-a-Century Event Leaves 30+ Dead

Once-in-a-Century Event Leaves 30+ Dead

(NationRise.com) – According to an Associated Press report, massive floods caused by torrential rainfall killed over 30 people in different parts of Somalia on November 12. The Somali government said that local authorities are doing everything they can in their search for survivors.

During a press conference in the capital, Mogadishu, Somalia’s Minister of Information, Daud Aweis, said that these floods have displaced almost half a million Somalis since October. He also told reporters that the “tragedy” has disrupted the lives of nearly 1.5 million people in the country, causing “massive damage” to infrastructure in some of the main cities. Aweis added that the government has noted that the Gedo region in the southern part of the country has been the most affected area so far.

As reported by the AP, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that Somalia has suffered a “flood event” that will have horrible humanitarian impacts on the country. The UN said that the magnitude of the floods is so massive that the African nation is dealing with a natural disaster that only happens “once in 100 years.” The office also noted that it has given $25 million to the Somali government to help mitigate the flooding’s impact.

In a statement, the OCHA pointed out that preventing a flood of “this magnitude” was impossible and noted that it delivered the millionaire aid because the natural disaster “can only be mitigated.” The office added it recommended the Somali government “early action” and “early warning” to save as many lives as possible. It also noted that the rainy season in the African nation will last until December, which could destroy 1.5 million hectares of farmland.

According to different reports, these floods are also affecting Kenya and have already killed 15 people. The Kenya Red Cross said in a November 13 statement that Mombasa and the northeastern counties of Wajir and Mandera are the most affected parts of the country.

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