New Ruling Allows Illegal Immigrants to Carry Firearms

( – An Obama-appointed federal judge serving in Illinois issued a ruling stating that illegal immigrants are permitted to possess firearms in the US under the Second Amendment.

The case was brought to Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman after Heriberto Carbajal-Flores, an illegal immigrant, was arrested in 2020 for violating federal law Title 18 of the US Criminal Code that bars noncitizens from possessing guns in the country. She also said that he should not be barred from owning a firearm since he has no previous criminal history — despite entering the country illegally. That law, according to Coleman, unjustly deprived him of his constitutional right.

Carbajal-Flores claimed he purchased the firearm to defend himself and his property after the mass riots that followed the death of George Floyd. Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other far-left groups organized a nationwide insurrection after Floyd was seen dying on video while in the custody of police officers.

Coleman initially denied a request from Carbajal-Flores to have the charges dropped. However, he submitted a new request after the Supreme Court ruled that New York’s ban on publicly carrying firearms was unconstitutional. Other similar decisions from lesser courts also set precedents over whether someone committed a nonviolent crime could be deprived of their Constitutional rights.

She also praised Carbajal-Flores for having a job, complying with the terms of his release, and having a clean criminal record. The court ultimately determined that he does not pose a threat to society.

Some federal agents and gun rights activists expressed concern that the ruling confuses the lines between rights afforded to citizens and noncitizens. They are also concerned that it may set a precedent to extend more rights to noncitizens that should be limited to Americans.

The lack of enforcement against illegal immigrants guilty of violent crimes has gained renewed attention after the recent murder of Laken Riley. The 22-year-old nursing student was killed by an illegal alien who never faced deportation despite a history of violent crimes.

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