New Report Reveals Unimaginable Human Rights Atrocities

( – According to a Radio Free Asia (RFA) report, the Chinese police commit “the worst types of tortures” as a “standard practice” during interrogations in China. The media outlet pointed out that abuses are so severe that a victim was recently rendered comatose and eventually died.

The victim in question was 30-year-old Sun Renze, who was a resident of East Turkistan, which is known for being the occupied region where oppressed Uyghur Muslims live. While he wasn’t a Uyghur, he was the son of a Han cop who was recently killed. RFA said Chinese police arrested Sun during a crackdown on criminal organizations by Xinjiang investigators. While he was just a “debt collector,” Chinese police scooped him up by using the all-purpose charge of “starting trouble and picking quarrels,” which authorities in China can invoke to arrest anyone.

RFA noted that the police brutally tortured Sun as they were searching for information related to the death of a woman. While officers thought he killed her or harassed her into committing suicide, the interrogation became so violent that officers took Sun down to a basement so no one could hear his screams. The media outlet said that an officer who was ordered to turn off every surveillance camera deliberately left one rolling to have some leverage in case he was eventually accused of wrongdoing.

The footage showed that Sun was waterboarded and suffered some of the most atrocious types of torture for over seven hours. He came out of the basement in a coma and died a couple of weeks later. Chinese authorities said that the officers were guilty of homicide and imposed jail sentences of between three to 13 years on eight officers.

Speaking under condition of anonymity, some Chinese cops told RFA that torture and physical abuse are common in China’s law enforcement agencies. Different NGOs have accused the Chinese regime of using torture against innocents, especially those who are part of the Uyghur community, who have been herded into concentration camps over the last few years.

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