Mayor Classifies Social Media as ‘Public Health Hazard’

Mayor Classifies Social Media as 'Public Health Hazard'

( – Democrat mayor Eric Adams of New York City has officially classified social media platforms as a “public health hazard.” He accused the platforms of “fueling a mental health crisis” in society, particularly among youth. He also claimed they added features that are specifically designed to pose a danger to users.

His office directed New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to release the advisory on January 25th. Dr. Ashwin Vasan, the department’s commissioner, responded by releasing recommendations for users to protect themselves with. It includes steps that parents and guardians can take to help children and adults use social media platforms in a healthy way. It includes a family plan with a schedule and acceptable habits for social media.

However, the proposal also calls for more government regulation. Previous attempts to regulate social media in the United States have been met with Constitutional challenges. The government has little, if any, authority to regulate a private platform in a manner that conflicts with its right to free expression. Those challenges have even been raised when considering the algorithms social platforms use. He promised to release more information in the near future.

The announcement comes at a time when free-speech social media platforms like Rumble, Truth Social, and X continue to boast large audiences. Rumble has been growing especially fast among conservatives, prompting outcries from Democrats.

Social media has been cited for its detrimental effects on teenagers. These include disrupted sleep, distractions from school work, and cyberbullying. Some experts also believe that social media also has a negative impact on self-esteem. Vivek Murthy, President Joe Biden’s Surgeon General, echoed concerns that social media can harm mental health among younger users.

However, those same experts also cite the healthy benefits of social media when used correctly. It has been proven to help teens and adults find a sense of community when they can’t seem to find common interests among their immediate peers. They have also found support when pursuing specific goals and formed new local connections among people with shared interests.

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