Liberals in America are Suddenly Embracing Firearms

Liberals in America are Suddenly Embracing Firearms

( – A new poll has revealed a shocking trend — liberals in America are suddenly hoarding firearms despite traditionally taking tough positions against gun rights.

An NBC poll concluded that 41% of US Democrat households now have at least one gun. That’s higher than the 33% of leftist households that owned a gun in 2019. For comparison, the number largely remained unchanged between 2004 and 2019. The survey polled 1,000 likely Democrat voters in mid-November.

Another NBC poll conducted earlier this year also revealed that 52% of respondent households owned a gun. This is the first time in the poll’s 20-year history that a majority of participants said they have a firearm in their home.

Gun ownership is unsurprisingly high among Republicans as well. 66% of those polled said they have a gun in their household. That’s 9% higher than Republican respondents in a 2004 poll.

Democrats and Republicans often cite different reasons for owning firearms. However, some experts believe the overall increase in gun sales stems from a massive surge in crime across the nation. Proper self-defense is often cited as a motivating factor.

It also comes as more citizens express frustration over some state and local governments becoming soft on crime. Looters in California have become so confident in avoiding prosecution that they are now looting in full view of news crews. Many of them even look directly at the camera without covering their faces.

Violent gun crimes are also rising in liberal strongholds. In Chicago, gun violence is skyrocketing despite the city implementing some of the nation’s strictest anti-gun laws. A growing number of the city’s shootings are becoming cold cases as the police force becomes increasingly overwhelmed.

Gun ownership has become especially popular in the far-left city of Boulder, CO. The city is full of gun clubs that specifically cater to left-wing voters. One of those liberal groups, ARM, is dedicated to helping members shoot, store, and maintain their firearms safely. They also provide medical training and encourage members to promote self-defense rights among government leaders.

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