Lawmaker Claims Trump Supporters Need to Be Investigated

( – California Democratic Representative Maxine Waters claimed on June 2 that former President and Republican nominee Donald Trump has been instigating violence and said that his supporters could be considered “domestic terrorists.” She even called for US authorities to investigate anyone who supports the former commander-in-chief as she suggested that person could be preparing for a “civil war” in the country.

During an interview with MSNBC, Waters explained that she feels worried that Trump’s divisiveness could spark a violent scenario in the future. She also said that the Republican leader’s rhetoric and comments about “taking revenge” were dangerous, claiming that he crossed a line by talking about possible “bloodshed” and mentioning a civil war.

The Democratic congresswoman also said that it was her responsibility to ask the US criminal justice to determine “what is going on” with so many “domestic terrorists,” seeming to refer to those who support the conservative leader. She added that many Americans should ask themselves if Trump and his political base were planning a “civil war” against those who don’t think like them. Waters claimed that everyone should be concerned about their safety because Trump was delivering dangerous and incendiary language.

When asked if she believed Trump was making those comments for a reason in particular, Waters said that all she knows is that his remarks aren’t good for the United States as they could radicalize people and even exacerbate polarization. She added that Trump has proven to be a political leader who doesn’t care about American democracy or the US Constitution.

The California representative also claimed that Trump has proven on numerous occasions that he’s an authoritarian and “loves” some of the worst dictators in the world. When asked who, Waters said Kim Jong-Un and his North Korean tyranny, as well as Vladimir Putin and his Russian dictatorship. The liberal leader even said Trump was “in love” with them.

The outrageous accusations from Waters are likely to further the argument that the Left is trying to weaponize the Department of Justice against conservatives.

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