GOP Lawmaker Flies to the Rescue Again

GOP Lawmaker Flies to the Rescue Again

( – Representative Cory Mills (R-FL) isn’t known to sit by and leave Americans in danger. Since the Hamas attack on Israel, Mills has successfully led efforts to rescue nearly 100 Americans stranded in Israel and get them home. The kicker? It isn’t the first time he’s dived headlong into danger like this.

Mills, a representative from Florida, worked on location with Jordan’s US embassy to help stranded Americans cross the border. They were all able to successfully book flights home from Jordan despite a few challenges along the way.

The armored vehicle he booked became unavailable, so he had to book a taxi all the way past the Israeli border instead. Once there, he arranged for a bus to transport the stranded Americans. They had to be picked up from two different cities.

Mills planned the rescue after the stranded civilians failed to get assistance from the State Department. They were told most flights were canceled due to the airport’s proximity to attacks from Hamas. Mills expressed concern for Americans trapped in Israel as the conflict continues to rage. It would appear his concern is warranted.

Hamas initially claimed it was sparring women and children from death, but new reports have proven that false. Terrorist militants shot and killed families in their homes in southern Israel after luring them out with smoke bombs. Militants then burned entire neighborhoods. They have also since threatened to begin killing hostages with each Israeli counterattack.

Israel has confirmed that its goal is to completely eliminate Hamas as a military power. They have counterattacked specific targets both with and without warning.

Mills, an Army veteran, assumed his seat in January. He is a Florida native and a graduate of Florida State College. He also works as a businessman and military contractor. Mills became a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs after taking office.

This isn’t the first time he has rescued trapped Americans, either. After the fall of Afghanistan, Mills sprang into action, personally helping evacuate those left behind by the Biden administration.

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