Fiery Farmer Uprising Spreads in Europe

Fiery Farmer Uprising Spreads in Europe

( – Chaos is erupting across Europe as farmers angry with a slew of unprecedented, strict government controls fight back through protests and riots.

The farmers are frustrated with new laws and proposals — often stemming from the green agenda. Many of those regulations are making it impractical for farmers to raise crops and livestock while also providing for their families.

One of those regulations was recently passed in Germany. A tax break that had been offered to the nation’s farmers for decades was suddenly repealed with little warning. Chancellor Olaf Scholz cited a federal deficit caused by massive Ukrainian aid as the reason for suspending the tax break. Farmers responded by blocking some of the busiest roads to the nation’s largest cities.

The entire continent has also been hit with sweeping regulations that have limited the ability of farms to produce and even exist. Farmers put their tractors to work in the Netherlands to oppose mass government-forced farm closers across the nation to comply with new EU environmental requirements. The government claimed the closures were necessary to protect the environment and house illegal migrants.

They also ignited fires near government buildings in some of the nation’s largest cities. The farmers claimed that in addition to the mass closures, new taxes, and regulations were making it impossible for farms to operate effectively.

The Dutch farmers also warned that the trend would likely spread to the United States with one farmer noting that Americans should be “happy” about the Second Amendment. The prediction began to come true later in 2022 when the federal government raided an independent Amish farm. Similar raids also occurred in Australia and Ireland.

Some French farmers went as far as to burn government and insurance buildings. The French farmers claim that government red tape is making it impossible for them to maintain their standard of living. None of these farmers have been arrested as of this writing.

Farmers in Toulouse gathered by the hundreds and used their tractors to cover the city with straw and manure. They claim the Egalim law is failing to offer them the leverage it promised to negotiate prices.

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