FBI Director Clams Up Over Basic Question

FBI Director Clams Up Over Basic Question

(NationRise.com) – Christopher Wray froze as he stumbled for an answer when asked if the US is safer under the Biden administration.

The Trump-appointed FBI director was discussing the most severe threats to national security and his agency’s plans to combat them. The concerns he discussed included possible retaliation for the US assisting Israel in its fight against Hamas. He believes the chance of an attack on US soil is now very high.

When Wray finally did answer the question posed by Senator Rick Scott (R-FL), he reiterated the elevated terror alert and said that the US has done many things to prepare for potential attacks.

He also discussed a message from ISIS urging its cells in the US to target Jewish communities. Hezbollah has called for attacks against US bases and installations in the Middle East as well, joining similar calls from other Islamic terrorist groups. He believes terror cells and Islamic extremists already in the US will be motivated by global attacks to begin targeting Americans.

Militants have already ramped up attacks against US military bases overseas. No deaths have been reported yet, but some personnel have suffered injury. Many of those attacks were carried out by terrorist groups funded by Iran.

Wray also discussed a significant increase in antisemitism as a basis for his concern. Jewish communities have faced threats across the globe since the conflict began last month. Cornell University student Patric Dai was arrested earlier this week after threatening to shoot several Jewish students at the school.

Officials in France are investigating several incidents of antisemitic vandalism in and around Paris. There have been over 850 incidents since the conflict began.

Similar incidents have also occurred in Berlin. One of the city’s synagogues was recently attacked with Molotov cocktails. No one was hurt during the incident, and authorities have a suspect in custody.

There are also concerns as more suspected terrorists continue to cross the southern US border. Earlier this month, an Iranian agent was detained after illegally entering the US. However, Border Patrol agents fear that many more terrorists likely escape capture while they’re overwhelmed by illegal crossings.

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