DOJ Sues State Over Controversial Law

( – The US Department of Justice (DOJ) sued Oklahoma State on May 21 over a new immigration law seeking to punish every illegal immigrant who lives in the so-called Sooner State. In a statement, the DOJ’s Civil Division head Brian Boynton said that the agency took the action against Oklahoma as he claimed that the state was disregarding the United States Constitution. He added the agency expects that the legal action could force Oklahoma to adhere not only to the Constitution but also to the framework that the House of Representatives adopted for the regulation of immigration.

The law in question is similar to those in Texas and Iowa that punish those who live in the states after illegally entering the country. The DOJ has also criticized these other states and brought legal action against them. While critics say that the agency has overstepped its limits, the DOJ has repeatedly claimed that these laws go against the Constitution as they violate the Immigration and Nationality Act and interfere with the federal government’s authority over immigration.

Over the last few years, political leaders from both sides have been criticizing the Biden administration over the border crisis that has been affecting many states in the country. While the vast majority of the criticism comes from Republicans, some Democrats have acknowledged that US President Joe Biden could have done more to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

With thousands of illegal immigrants entering every day, political analysts have explained that the Biden administration is dealing with a problem that is unlikely to be solved before the presidential election and could reduce his popularity. Meanwhile, some polls have said that the topic in question favors former President and Republican nominee Donald Trump, as he has repeatedly claimed during his campaign that he would solve the crisis as soon as possible if elected.

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