Congressman Trolls Media Over Big Mistake

Congressman Trolls Media Over Big Mistake

( – Representative Mike Collins (R-GA) fired back at Deadspin, a news sports outlet, after it attempted to shame a 9-year-old fan of The Chiefs for wearing the team’s colors as face paint.

In his X (Twitter) response, Collins can be seen with the team colors of the Georgia Bull Dogs photoshopped over his own face. He cheered on the team in the original post while tagging Deadspin in an effort to mock a previous article from the organization.

In the article, author Carron J. Phillips attacked a Native-American child for both his face paint and headdress. The boy was spotted in footage from a recent Kansas Chiefs game.

Phillips accused the child of “cultural appropriation” and claimed that he was disrespecting two racial groups simultaneously. He also called on the NFL to “speak out against” the child. Philips went so far as to condemn the producers and cameraman for allowing the footage of the child to air. The child’s family responded by informing Deadspin and the public that they were members of a Native American tribe.

Some have called for the child and his family to file a defamation lawsuit against Deadspin, which his parents have considered.

His mother, Shannon Armenta, has demanded that Deadspin must remove the article and social media posts if it wants to avoid the lawsuit. She also accused the site of intentionally stoking more divisions. Her son is being compared to Nick Sandman, a high school student who won a massive defamation lawsuit against The Washington Post.

During the game, team members of the Kansas City Chiefs can be seen joining the child in a tomahawk chop.

This isn’t Deadspin’s first politicized controversy. In 2021, the sports publication called on Twitter to stop labeling Andry Ngo as a journalist after he exposed Antifa’s violent agenda. He was beaten by supporters of the movement soon after. Ngo began working for conservative outlets after the left rejected him over his reporting of Islamic terrorists.

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