CCP’s Mysterious Ties with Minnesota Governor Explored in New Report

CCP's Mysterious Ties with Minnesota Governor Explored in New Report

Author Peter Schweizer alleges that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has been “groomed” by the Chinese Communist Party, sparking a fierce debate about the extent of Walz’s connections to China.

At a Glance

  • Peter Schweizer claims the Chinese Communist Party has been grooming Tim Walz.
  • Walz’s involvement in a China exchange program is under scrutiny.
  • House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer launches probe into Walz’s China ties.
  • Chinese media and netizens have a generally positive view of Walz.
  • Controversy surrounds Walz’s past statements about communism in China.

Schweizer’s Allegations

During an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” with Maria Bartiromo, author Peter Schweizer made startling claims about Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s relationship with China. Schweizer alleged that the Chinese Communist Party has been systematically grooming Walz, pointing to his involvement in an exchange program that facilitated the travel of hundreds of American students to China.

Schweizer cited an account from one of the students involved in the exchange, claiming that Walz returned from China with numerous copies of Mao Zedong’s “Little Red Book.” However, it’s important to note that the specifics of these claims remain unverified.

Walz’s China Connections

Tim Walz’s ties to China are extensive and date back to 1989, when he first traveled there to teach. Since then, he has reportedly visited the country around 30 times. These connections have become a point of contention, with Republicans viewing them suspiciously and labeling Walz as a “Manchurian candidate” and “Totalitarian Tim.”

Democrats and mainstream media, on the other hand, describe Walz’s China connections with more nuance. They highlight his concern for human rights and meetings with figures like the Dalai Lama and Joshua Wong. This divergence in perspectives has fueled the ongoing debate about the nature and implications of Walz’s relationship with China.

Congressional Investigation

The controversy surrounding Walz’s China ties has caught the attention of Congress. House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer has launched a probe into Walz’s connections to China and the Chinese Communist Party. This investigation aims to scrutinize the extent and nature of Walz’s relationships in China and their potential impact on his role as a public official.

Chinese Perspective

Interestingly, Chinese media and netizens seem to have a broadly positive portrayal of Walz. Chinese media analysts have suggested that Walz might advance Beijing’s agenda, praising his potential for making rational decisions on US-China relations. The China-US Focus publication views Walz’s China experience as an asset and has criticized Republicans for spreading what they term “conspiratorial” rumors.

However, Chinese netizens, while generally positive about Walz, remain skeptical about his capacity to significantly influence US-China relations. Overall, China appears to view Walz as a less controversial figure and potentially a preferred candidate for a more China-friendly US policy.

Controversial Past Statements

Adding to the complexity of the situation are reports about Walz’s past statements regarding communism in China. According to some sources, Walz promoted a positive view of communism to his students during his time teaching in China, claiming equality in income and benefits under the communist system.

Critics argue that Walz may have downplayed or been unaware of human rights violations in China, including the consequences of the country’s one-child policy. These allegations have further fueled the debate about Walz’s understanding and portrayal of China’s political system.

Ongoing Debate

The controversy surrounding Tim Walz’s relationship with China continues to evolve. As investigations proceed and more information comes to light, the public and political discourse will likely remain focused on the implications of these connections for American politics and US-China relations.


  1. Republicans believe Tim Walz has been ‘groomed’ by China. But how does China view him?
  2. Schweizer: Chinese Communist Party Has “Groomed” Tim Walz; “Big Help With A Little Bad-Mouth”
  3. Peter Schweizer Alleges Communist Party Influence on Tim Walz
  4. Tim Walz defended communism in China to his students: ‘Everyone is the same and everyone shares’
  5. Comer Launches Probe into Governor Walz’s Extensive Engagement with China and CCP Entities
  6. Tim Walz Target of Republican Probe Over China ‘Connections’