Biden Administration Faces Criticism For Failing to Comply With Collection Mandates


The Biden Administration’s Department of Homeland Security faces accusations of failing to comply with DNA collection mandates at the U.S.-Mexico border, potentially compromising public safety and allowing criminals to evade detection.

At a Glance

  • DHS accused of failing to collect DNA from illegal immigrants, violating the DNA Fingerprint Act of 2005.
  • Only 30-40% of DNA collected from 3.2 million individuals at the southern border in fiscal year 2023.
  • Whistleblowers report retaliation for exposing DHS’s failure to comply with DNA collection laws.
  • Senators Grassley and Johnson host roundtable to address the issue and its impact on public safety.

DHS Accused of Failing DNA Collection Mandates

The Department of Homeland Security under the Biden Administration is facing serious allegations of noncompliance with the DNA Fingerprint Act of 2005. This law mandates the collection of DNA samples from certain individuals at the U.S.-Mexico border. According to recent reports, DHS and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have failed to fully comply with this requirement, potentially jeopardizing public safety and hindering law enforcement efforts.

Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson recently hosted a roundtable to address this critical issue. The senators emphasized the risks to public safety stemming from DHS’s failure to collect DNA from illegal immigrants. This failure not only compromises the ability to track repeat offenders but also allows individuals connected to crimes to elude detection.

Whistleblowers Face Retaliation

Adding to the gravity of the situation, whistleblowers who exposed DHS’s failure to comply with DNA collection laws report facing severe retaliation. These dedicated public servants claim to have experienced changes in duties, reduced pay, and removal from supervisory positions after bringing this critical issue to light.

“CBP has failed to fulfill its responsibilities under the law and in so doing has compromised public safety. The failure to collect DNA clearly inhibits law enforcement’s ability to solve cold cases and to bring violent criminals to justice.” – Senator Grassley

The Office of Special Counsel reviewed the disclosures and confirmed CBP’s failure to fulfill its legal responsibilities. This confirmation underscores the severity of the situation and its potential impact on national security.

Alarming Statistics and Public Safety Concerns

The scale of this problem is staggering. In fiscal year 2023 alone, only 30-40% of DNA was collected from 3.2 million individuals at the southern border. This significant shortfall in DNA collection leaves a dangerous gap in our national security infrastructure.

A specific case highlighted was the tragic murder of Rachel Morin by an illegal immigrant whose DNA was not collected despite multiple encounters with DHS. This case starkly illustrates the potential consequences of failing to adhere to DNA collection mandates.

“It is beyond heartbreaking to know that my daughter’s brutal death could have been prevented. This isn’t just a bureaucratic oversight; it’s a deadly failure that turned a protective measure into a hollow promise,” said Patty Morin, mother of Rachel Morin. “President Biden and Vice President Harris’ reckless disregard for border security puts every American family in imminent danger. How many more precious lives have to be lost before they decide to protect the people they were elected to serve?”

Calls for Action and Accountability

Senators Roger Marshall and Chuck Grassley are urging President Biden and Vice President Harris to ensure DNA samples are collected from all immigrants encountered by DHS. The senators emphasize that following the law, protecting whistleblowers, and ensuring the safety of American citizens should not be controversial issues.

As this situation continues to unfold, it is clear that immediate action is needed to address these serious allegations and ensure compliance with existing laws. The safety and security of American citizens hang in the balance, demanding swift and decisive action from the Biden Administration to rectify these critical shortcomings in border security and DNA collection practices.


  1. Whistleblowers: Biden-Harris DHS Refusing to Collect DNA from Millions of Migrants in Violation of Federal Law
  2. Senator Marshall and Colleagues Sound Alarm After DHS Whistleblowers Exposes Biden-Harris Breaking the Law
  3. Grassley Shines Light on DHS’ Failure to Collect DNA from Illegal Immigrants
  4. Grassley Delivers Opening Remarks at Roundtable on DHS Whistleblower Retaliation, Ongoing Failure to Collect DNA at the Southern Border
  5. CBP demoted whistleblowers who revealed ‘decade-long failure’ to collect criminal DNA: docs
  6. Grothman, National Security Subcommittee Members Investigate Human Trafficking Risks as Biden Administration Moves to End DNA Testing at the Border
  7. DNA Collection in Immigration Custody and the Threat of Genetic Surveillance