Biden Administration Accused of Fabricating Evidence

Biden Administration Accused of Fabricating Evidence

( – According to a Fox News January 8 report, court filings reviewed by the conservative network revealed that the Biden administration appeared to have fabricated evidence in a nonpartisan science review. The filings noted that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) allegedly manufactured a paper trail to support its efforts to target one of the primary chemical plants in the United States.

In a November 2023 testimony, EPA’s Region 6 science liaison to the agency’s Office of Research and Development (ORD), Michael Morton, confessed he didn’t write a critical 2021 email sent from his address. That email called off a scientific review of different health risks that the agency associated with chloroprene emissions. During the deposition, he told lawyers of Denka Performance Elastomer (DPE) that he “didn’t write that” and that he didn’t know “who wrote it.”

Different media outlets pointed out that Morton’s testimony, along with numerous revelations from additional data that was made public over the last few months, could upend the Biden administration’s lawsuit against the synthetics manufacturer. If the lawsuit ends up being successful, it would set a threatening precedent against the American petrochemical industry.

In addition to the testimony, DPE counsel submitted in court filings metadata of Morton’s emails showing that the 2021 email was initially written by ORD officials. The revelations suggest that the ORD deliberately cited an email from Region 6 to walk back the chloroprene’s nomination, but crafted it and sent it to itself using Morton’s email address.

DPE lawyers alleged that if EPA had moved forward with the chloroprene’s nomination and engaged with another research, its lawsuit against the company would have eventually been derailed. The agency hasn’t made any comment so far, citing its policy that prohibits any of its members to comment on pending litigation.

Over the last few years, the petrochemical industry has been targeted by progressives and environmentalists, who argue it’s affecting many communities’ health through its emissions and pollution.

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